1. Vi Ha hoc sinh nam thu hai doan xiec nhan dan trung uong Vi Ha second year student at the Doan Xiec Nhan Dan Trung Uong
2. Vi Ha hoc co ban nhao lon - thay Le Tien Dung(2-4-1965) Vi Ha basic class of acrobatic figures with teacher Le Tien Dung (2-4-1965)
3. den tham Bac Ho truoc khi di bieu dien 7 nuoc Dong Au1967 We visited oncle Ho Chi Minh before leaving for a 7 country tour through East Europe
4. Bac cung tt Pham Van Dong,dt Vo Nguyen Giap xem doan bieu dien tai Phu Chu Tich1967 President Ho Chi Minh, the prime minister Pham Van Dong, and the general Vo Nguyen Giap enjoy our performance at the Phu Chu Tich 1967
5. cac dien vien duoc Bac cho keo sau khi ket thuc bieu dien Ho Chi Minh offered us sweet candies after the performance
6. tiep kien chu tich Mao Trach Dong, lanh dao Dang va nha nuoc Trung Quoc1967 We visited Mao Trach Dong, as well as the Chineese communist party and government members, 1967
7. doan den Moscow1967 Arrival in Moscow, 1967
8. Papa cung top dien vien cua doan o Moscow Papa with us at the Moscow circus
9. Thuy Huong, Vi Ha, Papa truoc gio bieu dien o Leningrad Thuy Huong, Vi Ha, Papa minute before the show at Leningrad
10. nhao lon tren tay: Hoang Thiet, Quoc Vy, Thai Uy, Vi Ha va Thuy Huong Hand-stand acrobatics: Hoang Thiet, Quoc Uy, Vi Ha and Thuy Huong
11. nhao lon tren tay: Hoang Thiet, Quoc Vy, Thai Uy, Vi Ha va Thuy Huong Hand-stand acrobatics: Hoang Thiet, Quoc Uy, Vi Ha and Thuy Huong
12. du quay: Le The, Vi Ha Hanging acrobatic figures: Le The, Vi Ha
13. du quay: Le The, Vi Ha Hanging acrobatic figures: Le The, Vi Ha
14. du quay: Le Trung,Le The, Bich Than, Vi Ha Hanging acrobatic figures: Le Trung, Le The, Bich Than, Vi Ha
15. doan den Berlin Arriving in Berlin
16. don tiep doan o Berlin Great reception in Berlin
17. tham truong xiec Germany We visited the circus of Germany
18. Vi Ha o Berlin Vi Ha in Berlin
19. Y sy di theo doan va Vi Ha o Berlin Our personal nurse and Vi Ha in Berlin
20. du giong dau:Bich Than, Vi Ha Head-stand and hanging: Bich Than, Vi Ha
21. du giong dau:Bich Than, Vi Ha Head-stand and hanging: Bich Than, Vi Ha
22. chao cuoi o Pologne Ending parade and bowing to the assistance, in Poland
23. bieu dien bao cao Bac sau chuyen di Dong Au Last show for the tour, back at in homeland at the Phu Chu Tich